Dr. Susan Pazak
Clinical psychologist and life coach in Orange County
Dr. Susan Pazak is a clinical psychologist practicing in Orange County, California. Dr. Pazak has a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, and PhD in Clinical Psychology. She attended the University of Pittsburgh, Pepperdine University and United States International University for a diverse education. She has been selected as the best psychologist in Laguna Niguel for three consecutive years.
Dr. Pazak’s practice focus
Dr. Pazak’s practice specializes in couples therapy, therapy for anxiety and therapy for addiction. In addition, Dr. Pazak is a widely sought after executive and life coach.
My philosophy is simple, change your thoughts and everything else will follow. I’m dedicated to helping you thrive. – Dr. Susan Pazak.
Education & Training
After earning her master’s degree and PhD in Clinical Psychology, Dr. Pazak spent time working in private hospitals and clinics. She also contracted with Orange County Social Services to provide mental health and coaching services to foster children in group homes and their caregivers. Later, Dr. Pazak worked for Affiliated Research Institute studying medications and their effect on mental illness and other psychiatric disorders.
In addition to her private practice, Dr. Pazak has worked with UCI Medical Center to provide assessments for patients undergoing weight loss surgery. She has spent additional time, studying married couples predicting marital satisfaction and sexual satisfaction.
Dr. Pazak’s journey expanded into entrepreneurship when she began exploring and working in the coaching field in 2010. This combination of experience allows her to understand many populations and provide excellent and effective services to promote life change.
Approach to therapy
With kindness and compassion Dr. Pazak leads clients on a journey to reaching their highest potential. Thriving, not surviving is Dr. Pazak’s personal approach to therapy and life. If you are suffering from anxiety, struggling with addiction or in a relationship that needs improvement, Dr. Pazak can help. Schedule an initial consultation to learn more.
Approach to professional coaching
Professional coaching is different than therapy. Unlike therapy, life coaching has no treatment regimen and no diagnosis. Coaching does not address reducing emotional problems or healing from past trauma. Instead, it is about helping you find your path to success. Creating a plan for growth and holding you accountable to milestones is Dr. Pazak’s unique approach to professional coaching. Goal setting, planning, encouragement, and accountability is combined to achieve your desired outcomes. Schedule a consultation to learn how you can benefit from professional coaching.